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Ford F9 engine 2nd place finish MIS

Ciara with DUB Edition Mustang

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mainstream media reports; Effect of US Automaker plant closings

     I began this blog talking about the plant closings around the country. The other day while working on a project, this story caught my ear; GM worker 1000 mile commute to work. I watched his story in amazement, thinking, I feel your pain. If you would like to see and hear his story follow the link above. If you would like to see how far reaching this story is, Google search; GM workers 1000 mile commute to work, when I did it today, I got 29,300 hits. There's a multiplier here when you include the other car makers, Daimler/Chrysler, and Ford to the mix it effects the unemployment rate nation wide. But more than that, it creates a down turn in the communities where these workers lived or still live, some of which may not recover for many years to come if ever.

     In my search for this story, I came across an article about GM's new plant in India, 20 to 50 years up the road it will be De Ja Vue all over again. This new plant will be an old and aging plant needing modernization, but beyond that, GM will have taught the Indian's how to make cars, to be shipped to the US, fickle American's will flock to them, not because they're better but because they are cheaper, all the while saying we in America don't make quality cars. Making this new brand the number one brand in America, after all Toyota in no longer making quality cars, not that they ever did in my opinion, it just that they have gotten so large and making them in greater quantities that it's finally showing up. That could be the finale nail in the US auto industry, gone after 150 years of making automobiles, and we will be giving a nostalgic look back at what we once had. Don't think this could happen, think about this, China is reverse engineering the cars they are purchasing. Ten to Fifteen years up the road we will be seeing Chinese made cars begin to be imported here while the begin to restrict US made cars no matter the brand. I for one will sit back and watch the fire works.

    The questions I'm going to leave you with are these. Are we going to sit back and allow this scenario to play itself out? Or are we going to stand up and support America no matter what the rest of the world throws at us?

Chil's Ride's

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


     Hello World!

    I would like to introduce AllAmericanAutoBlog to the world . To explain the purpose and what I hope to accomplish with this blog. For over six months I have driven across this great country, trying to be a long haul truck driver. During those months I've come to notice many things on our roads. It has not been very pretty for the American auto industry, Asian cars by far out number American cars, mostly Toyota's, followed close behind by Honda, then Nissan. It occurred to me that, this is just so wrong, it should not be happening here in America the birthplace of the auto industry.What I'm advocating is, Americans once again supporting our industry, starting with the Auto industry, it will be good for the country as a whole. An American car Renaissance, which will help the steel industry, bring back other manufacturing jobs that support the industry. It will create a domino effect. It may even change our focus on the state of the economy. I'm not expecting an panacea, just a new beginning of taking pride on America and made in America. Words that at one time meant something especially to our parents who sacrificed to make this country great. We have sold out our country, now is the time for us to simply stop it. When you look to purchase that next car, ask yourself this question, who will it benefit, the US or some other country? Yea, Yea, I hear those of you out there shouting about globalization. I don't buy it, if it were balanced we would have a greater share of the markets than we do, there would be fewer restrictions on American exports.

     How is it possible for countries about the size of California to out produce and out sell the greatest country in the world? One answer can be found at this link, They say it better than I ever could. The other answer, is us, we have allowed it to happen, in some instances we make it happen. We've sold our industries to them, for example, we no longer make televisions here in this country, even though we invented them, sewing machines, nope. I can't think of any small appliances that are manufactured here, Litton industries invented the microwave oven, are any of them manufactured here? I don't think so. Singer sewing machines, no longer owned by an American, owned by a Japanese company.

    Maybe someone out there can answer this question. How is that a country without any natural resources such as Oil, or Gas, no Forrest, no natural ores such as Iron, Copper, Aluminum out produce any country with out such a problem? Sure makes me wonder how it is possible?

   I would love to here from others, give me your opinion, or ideas on how we may be able to turn around this situation before it is too late for our economy.

Chil's Ride's