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Thursday, March 11, 2010

Mainstream media reports; Effect of US Automaker plant closings

     I began this blog talking about the plant closings around the country. The other day while working on a project, this story caught my ear; GM worker 1000 mile commute to work. I watched his story in amazement, thinking, I feel your pain. If you would like to see and hear his story follow the link above. If you would like to see how far reaching this story is, Google search; GM workers 1000 mile commute to work, when I did it today, I got 29,300 hits. There's a multiplier here when you include the other car makers, Daimler/Chrysler, and Ford to the mix it effects the unemployment rate nation wide. But more than that, it creates a down turn in the communities where these workers lived or still live, some of which may not recover for many years to come if ever.

     In my search for this story, I came across an article about GM's new plant in India, 20 to 50 years up the road it will be De Ja Vue all over again. This new plant will be an old and aging plant needing modernization, but beyond that, GM will have taught the Indian's how to make cars, to be shipped to the US, fickle American's will flock to them, not because they're better but because they are cheaper, all the while saying we in America don't make quality cars. Making this new brand the number one brand in America, after all Toyota in no longer making quality cars, not that they ever did in my opinion, it just that they have gotten so large and making them in greater quantities that it's finally showing up. That could be the finale nail in the US auto industry, gone after 150 years of making automobiles, and we will be giving a nostalgic look back at what we once had. Don't think this could happen, think about this, China is reverse engineering the cars they are purchasing. Ten to Fifteen years up the road we will be seeing Chinese made cars begin to be imported here while the begin to restrict US made cars no matter the brand. I for one will sit back and watch the fire works.

    The questions I'm going to leave you with are these. Are we going to sit back and allow this scenario to play itself out? Or are we going to stand up and support America no matter what the rest of the world throws at us?

Chil's Ride's

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